PCDC Fat Melting Injection & Kybella

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that improves the appearance of double chins by destroying fat cells. Kybella is a man-made form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring material that helps the body absorb fat. Treatment with Kybella is fast, requires little downtime, and destroys fat cells permanently.

Kybella destroys the membranes of the cells that store fat. Once these cells are destroyed, they can no longer store fat. The body’s natural healing and elimination processes take over and in about four to six weeks, your fat deposits are dramatically reduced or eliminated.

Beauty Health PCDC (phosphatidylcholine deoxycholic acid (PCDC) Kybella version is 4 times stronger, works faster, and results are seen sooner! Areas may require anywhere from 1-3 treatments.

Areas Treated

Double Chin

Kybella is injected under the chin to permanently destroy fat cells and get rid of your double chin for good


Jowls are the extra heavy skin of the lower face that tend to sag. This is due to a loss of elastin and collagen in the skin. By injecting Kybella into the face, we can permanently destroy fat cells. Results are permanent.

Bra Fat

When we try on clothes, sometimes there are small areas of fat that show through. These lumps or rolls of fat are especially noticeable around the bra line. PCDC can reduce the fat in this area, so that you can wear tight shirts or dresses.

Back Fat

PCDC is a permanent solution for getting rid of stubborn back fat. The injectable treatment works to destroy fat cells that have accumulated in the back, that form a bulge around the bra line. This back fat can be difficult to get rid of, even with a healthy diet and regular workout routine.

Belly Fat

PCDC works great for small to medium areas of belly fat, bulges, and pinchable stubborn belly fat. Multiple treatments are needed for large areas for best results.

Love Handles

Permanently get rid of those annoying love handles with PCDC. Large areas require 2-4 treatments for best results.

Banana Butt Roll

The banana roll is a pocket of fat just under the crease of the buttocks. This is an example of what is called stubborn fat, an area of fat that does not go away no matter how much you diet or exercise.

Saddlebags (outer/inner thighs)

Kybella can be used for sculpting the thighs and reducing the inner and outer thigh fat. PCDC is injected where the fat cells will be dissolved. The fat cells are then metabolized and eliminated as a result of the body’s natural processes, which leads to the permanent elimination of fat cells in that area.

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